A short (weird) story in 'Strangely Enough'

In early 2023, I was incandescently thrilled to learn my short story “Cat/Lady” had been selected for publication in Midnight Sun’s Strangely Enough anthology (ed. Gillian Hagenus).

Thrilled, because, honestly, publishing ANYTHING that other people will read and absorb - that’s always thrilling and a little bit miraculous, honestly.

Incandescently so, because it was actually the first complete short story I’d written since - well, maybe high school? Or my very early 20s, at least… at which point for some reason I decided I’d prefer not to try writing AT ALL than to fail at it (a dumb decision, but a sadly pretty common one to make, I think).

Here’s the book, which is available now. It’s full of the most bizarre and thought provoking stories. I’m not sure how mine fluked into deserving a slot, but am honoured to be alongside so many amazing writers.

(And a side note given the kidlit-focus of this website: as an anthology, it’s definitely for adults, though some of these stories would be suitable for teenagers who have a taste for the surreal or macabre.)

Naturopolis on Storybox Library

Storybox Library (dah dah dah dah dah!… as my kids instantly chorus as soon as I mention those words) now has Naturopolis, read by Peter Houghton, in its substantial database. Watch here.

Ps. If you have a library card, chances are you have access to Storybox Library! See if your local library is listed under the ‘Libraries’ tab when logging in.


Not everyone’s great (yet!) at making costumes. (I’m talking about myself here. My costume skills are currently non-existent). So if you’re a bit like me, here are some super easy, maybe even last minute book week costume ideas!

Simple book week costume ideas for Naturopolis
Easy book week costume idea for Naturopolis

Talking success (and failure) at the CYA conference

A quick virtual chat about my path to publishing ‘success’ (impostor syndrome inverted commas necessary!) at the CYA conference 2023. Thanks for having me Tina!

Watch the video here (alongside some amazing and inspiring stories from other writers and illustrators) : https://www.cyaconference.com/videos?wix-vod-video-id=38bbe6b15fec46c493db87da28a39f07&wix-vod-comp-id=comp-jmn93men